Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday November 22, 2016: The Fall of Israel, Israel GRAPES

Daily Agenda: 

Bellwork: Week 15, day 2, turn in today

Pg. 45 Israel GRAPES, we will finish reviewing on Monday


Unit 4 Study Guide, must be done Monday to play review games, you will turn this in next Tuesday


Unit 4 Study Guide, due 11-29-16
Unit 4 Exam: 11-29-16
Notebook Check 4: 11-30-16

Tuesday November 29, 2016: Unit 4 Exam

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 16, Day 2

Unit 4 Exam

Turn in study guide


None :)


Notebook Check 4, pgs. 31-40 November 30th

Monday November 28, 2016: Israel Review Games

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 16, Day 1

Finish reviewing Israel GRAPES

Review Unit 4 Study Guide

Kahoot Review game!


Study for your test tomorrow


Notebook Check 4, pgs. 31-40 November 30th

Notebook Check 4

Notebook Check 4, pgs. 31-40

Be ready we will check our notebook 11-30-16

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Friday: November 18, 2016: The Exodus

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 14: Day 4, turn in today

Finish Pg. 42: The Exodus


Unit 4 Exam: 11-29-16

Notebook check 4 (pgs. 31-40) 11-30-16


None :) 

Thursday: November 17, 2016: Israelite VIP's

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 14: Day 3

Finish Pg. 41: Israelite VIP's

Start Pg. 42: The Exodus, we will finish on Friday


Unit 4 Exam: 11-29-16

Notebook check 4 (pgs. 31-40) 11-30-16


Unit 4, Lesson 4 "The Jews in the Mediterranean World", due Friday don't do foldable activities

Wednesday November 16, 2016: Unit 4 Vocabulary Quiz

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 14: Day 2

Unit 4 Vocabualry Quiz


Unit 4 Exam: 11-29-16

Notebook check 4 (pgs. 31-40) 11-30-16


Unit 4, Lesson 4 "The Jews in the Mediterranean World", due Friday don't do foldable activities

Tuesday November 15, 2016: Israelite VIP

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 14: Day 1

Finish reviewing Pg. 40: Religion: Judaism

Start Pg. 41: Israelite VIP's, we will start today reading about some very important people in ancient Israel, we won't finish today but we will finish up on Thursday.


Unit 4 Vocab Quiz 11-16-16

Unit 4 Exam: 11-29-16

Notebook check 4 (pgs. 31-40) 11-30-16


Unit 4, Lesson 3 "The Development of Judaism", due Wednesday don't do foldable activities

Monday November 14, 2016: November 4-H Meeting

November 4-H Meeting today...get prepared to give your extra credit speeches!


Unit 4 Vocab Quiz 11-16-16

Unit 4 Exam: 11-29-16

Notebook check 4 (pgs. 31-40) 11-30-16


Unit 4, Lesson 3 "The Development of Judaism", due Wednesday don't do foldable activities

Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday November 11, 2016: Finish Judaism Religion

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 13: Day 4

Pg. 40: Judaism Religion, follow along with the video and answer the questions, finish the video and reviewing the answers


4-H Meeting 11-14-16

Unit 4 Vocab Quiz 11-16-16


None :)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Unit 4 Israel Extra Credit

Can do both activities

Extra Credit: 10 Points: Assigned: 11-8-16   Due:    12-9-16

After reviewing The Ten Commandments and seeing its purpose for the Christian and Jewish religion would you keep those same rules or come up with different ones? Create your own 10 commandments for the world. What do you think are 10 rules mankind should follow? Make your 10 commandments look like the ones we’ve studied in class.
1.      Make the rules decorative; put them on tablets, construction paper, etc.
2.      Must have 10 rules
3.      Must be school appropriate
4.      Think outside the box, what rules does mankind need in the 20th century?

Extra Credit: 5 points: Pick one activity: Assigned: 11-8-16                      Due: 12-9-16

Write a letter as if you were one of the Egyptian citizens living in Egypt during the time of the plagues writing to their family in Babylon.
1.      Explain how life was before the plagues started.
2.      Explain what you were thinking/doing when the plagues first started
3.      Explain how the plagues have since affected you and your family
4.      Do you think the pharaoh is correct or should he let the Israelite people go? Explain your reasoning.
5.      Must be at least 1 page in length; can be typed or written.

Create a journal entry as if you were one of the farmers who found the Dead Sea Scrolls hidden in the caves at Qumran.
1.   Explain how your day started
2. Explain how you found the scrolls
3. Describe what they looked like (color, texture, smell, writing, etc.)
4. What happened after you found them (did you call the newspaper or a museum, did you want to keep them for yourself?)
5. Must be at least 1 page in length; can be typed or written.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Thursday November 10, 2016: Judaism Religion

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 13: Day 3

Pg. 40: Judaism Religion, follow along with the video and answer the questions


4-H Meeting 11-14-16

Unit 4 Vocab Quiz 11-16-16


Unit 4, Lesson 2 "The Israelite Kingdom" don't do foldable activities

Due 11-9-16

Wednesday November 9, 2016: Unit 4 Map Quiz

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 13: Day 2

Unit 4 Map Quiz

Pg. 39: Unit 4 Israel Vocabulary (glue in we will discuss later in the week)


4-H Meeting 11-14-16

Unit 4 Vocab Quiz 11-16-16


Unit 4, Lesson 2 "The Israelite Kingdom" don't do foldable activities

Due 11-9-16

Monday November 7, 2016: Israel Map

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 13: Day 1

Review Unit 3 Exam data

Pg. 38: Unit 4 Israel Map

Pg. 39: Unit 4 Israel Vocabulary (glue in we will discuss later in the week)


4-H Meeting 11-14-16

Unit 4 Map Quiz 11-9-16

Unit 4 Vocab Quiz 11-16-16


Unit 4, Lesson 1 "Beginnings" don't do foldable activities

Due 11-9-16

Friday November 4, 2016: Unit 3 Exam

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 12: Day 5, turn in today

Unit 3 Exam

Turn in Unit 3 Study Guide


4-H Meeting 11-14-16


None :)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday November 3, 2016: Egypt Kahoot game


Bellwork: Week 12: Day 3

Review Unit 3 Study Guide

Play Egypt Kahoot game!



Unit 3 Study Guide, due tomorrow


Everything due tomorrow 11-4-16
Extra credit due
Study Guide due
Unit 3 Exam

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday: November 2, 2016: Egypt GRAPES


Bellwork: Week 12: Day 3

Pg. 37 Egypt GRAPES

Pg. 26: River Valley Chart, fill in for Egypt


Unit 3 Study Guide, due 11-4-16


Review games 11-3-16

Unit 3 Exam 11-4-16

Tuesday November 1st, 2016: EGYPT GRAPES


Bellwork: Week 12: Day 2

Pg. 37 Egypt GRAPES


Unit 3 Study Guide, due 11-4-16


Review games 11-3-16

Unit 3 Exam 11-4-16