Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday August 30, 2016: GRAPES

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 4, Day 2

Pg. 12: GRAPES

GRAPES video to help you to remember! 

Pg. 13: Early Man GRAPES


Unit I Vocabulary Quiz due Wednesday

Unit I Exam and Study Guide due Friday


Unit I, Lesson 2 due Wednesday

Monday August 29, 2016: Early Man

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 4: Day 1

Finish Pg. 11: Early Man


Unit I Vocabulary quiz Wednesday

Unit I Exam and Study Guide due Friday


Unit I, Lesson II due Wednesday. Here is a virtual copy of our homework Lesson II "Hunter Gatherers" you do not have to answer questions labeled "Foldable"

Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday August 26, 2016: Early Man

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 3, Day 5, turn in today

Pg. 11: Early Man, work in groups to gather information about the Paleolithic and Neolithic people

Turn in Timelines homework


Unit 1 Study Guide, due 9-2-16

Keep up with this I will not give you another, you must print an additional copy from here if you lose it!


Unit 1 Vocabulary quiz 8-31-16
Unit 1 Exam 9-2-16

Thursday August 25, 2016: Unit 1 Vocabulary

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 3, Day 4

Pg. 10: Unit 1 Vocabulary, we will work together on defining these terms!


Timelines worksheet, due Friday


Unit 1 Vocabulary quiz 8-31-16
Unit 1 Exam 9-2-16

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Wednesday August 24, 2016: World Map Quiz

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 3: August 22-26, 2016: Day 3

World Map Quiz!

Turn in Latitude and Longitude homework


Timelines worksheet, due Friday


Vocabulary quiz next Wednesday

Tuesday August 23, 2016: Timelines

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 3: August 22-26, 2016: Day 2

Pg. 9 Timeline notes


Latitude and Longitude worksheet, due Wednesday


Map quiz this Wednesday!

Monday August 22, 2016: Latitude & Longitude

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 3: August 22-26, 2016: Day 1

Pg. 8 Latitude and Longitude notes


Latitude and Longitude worksheet, due Wednesday


Map quiz this Wednesday!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Friday August 19, 2016: pg. 7 World Map

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 2: Day 5 (don't have to make up if absent) Turn in today

Review your Geographic Dinosaur on pg. 6

Pg. 7: World Map: Glue in this sheet and fill in the continents and oceans, we will have a map quiz next Wednesday over this

Homework :

None :)

Thursday August 18, 2016: Geographic Terms

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 2: Day 4 (don't have to make up if absent)

Pg. 5: Geographic Terms, in class we will define the terms. For homework you are to sketch a picture of the geographic term

Pg. 6: Geographic Dinosaur (homework) label all 10 geographic features and then color in your dinosaur


Finish Geographic Terms color sheet and label your geographic dinosaur, we will review this in class Friday

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wednesday August 17, 2016: Geographic Terms

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 2: Day 3 (don't have to make up if absent)

Finish up page 4: The 5 Jobs in History

Start Pg. 5: Geographic Terms, in class we will define the terms. For homework you are to sketch a picture of the geographic term

Pg. 6: Geographic Dinosaur (homework) label all 10 geographic features and then color in your dinosaur

Homework Turn In:

Turn in Unit 1, Lesson 1 today


Finish Geographic Terms color sheet and label your geographic dinosaur, we will review this in class Friday

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday August 16, 2016: pg. 4 The 5 Jobs in History

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 2: Day 2 (don't have to make up if absent)

Pg. 4 in notebook: The 5 Jobs in History notes


Unit 1, Lesson 1 worksheet. Due Wednesday

Monday August 15, 2016: August Benchmark

Daily Agenda:

Bellwork: Week 2: Day 1 (don't have to make up if absent)

We are finishing our August Benchmark Exam today.

Again this does not count as a grade we use this as a jumping point to show growth throughout the year. We will take this test again in December and in the spring to see what areas we need to reteach and to show how we have grown throughout the year.


Unit 1, Lesson 1 worksheet. Due Wednesday. Here is a virtual copy of our homework, only complete Lesson 1 "What is History" You never have to answer the "Foldable" questions.

August 12, 2016: Photo Friday and August Benchmark

Daily Agenda:

Photo Friday: Every Friday a primary source is shown on the board and you are to answer the question that goes along with this primary source. You do not have to make up Photo Friday if you are absent. We will turn in our Bellwork sheet after Photo Friday for our first grade of the year!

We are continuing working on our August Benchmark exam through Monday. Again this does not count as a grade we use this as a jumping point to show growth throughout the year. We will take this test again in December and in the spring to see what areas we need to reteach and to show how we have grown throughout the year.


Parent Letter, due Monday

August 11, 2016: Bellwork and August Benchmark

Daily Agenda:

Today we are going to practice how we do Bellwork in this class:

  1.  Bellwork is complete on 1 sheet of notebook paper, we add to this paper every day and turn it in on Friday
  2. On the top right hand side of your Bellwork it should have your name, date, class period
  3. At the top of your paper label it: Bellwork: Week 1: August 11th-12th 
  4. Then label Day 1 and answer the three multiple choice questions. You do not have to write out the question or the answers, just the letter of the correct answer.
  5. If you are absent you do not have to make up Bellwork

Today we are starting the August Benchmark exam, this does not count as a grade we use this as a jumping point to show growth throughout the year. We will take this test again in December and in the spring to see what areas we need to reteach and to show how we have grown throughout the year.


Get parent letter in by Monday August 15th

Friday, August 12, 2016

August 10, 2016: Notebook Set up

Daily Agenda:

Notebook set up

On the outside cover of your notebook write:
First and last name
Mrs. Taylor
Social Studies
Class Period
6th grade

Inside Cover:

Trim down and glue in data sheet

Page 1 and 2:

Label the top of both pages Table of Contents
Write the page number in the upper right hand corner of each page
Draw a vertical line down both pages to divide paper in half
On the first three lines fill in your table of contents:
Page 1: Table of Contents
Page 2: Table of Contents
Page 3: Photo Friday

Page 3:

Label the top of the page Photo Friday
Write the page number in the upper right hand corner
Trim down and glue in both half sheets of paper to pg. 3

August 9, 2016:

Daily Agenda:

Today we will finish reviewing classroom procedures and getting to know you activities


Finish parent letter and return by Monday August 15, 2016


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Welcome to 6th Grade Social Studies

Welcome to our 6th grade Social Studies class I am so excited to have your child this year, please look over our syllabus and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.

Check back daily for class updates and homework!

August 8, 2016: First Real Day Of School!

Daily Agenda:

Getting to know your teacher and classroom activities, here is a digital copy of our class syllabus and parent letter. Parent please have this filled out and returned to my class by next Monday


Parent Letter filled out and returned by next Monday